Acupuncture, recognising the benefits of acupuncture begins with an understanding of Chinese medicine and how your body manages to balance within. Qi is the vital energy that travels through the body in pathways known as meridians.  When the qi is flowing freely within the meridians the body maintains balance and harmony. If there is a blockage in these pathways the qi energy stops which causes injury to the local area and damages the organs. Acupuncture helps to free the blockages and help the body to mend and free the qi to move as it should be restoring balance and harmony. 

There are many ways in which we can move the qi and restore harmony, and these will depend on the condition, diagnosis and preference of yourself and your practitioner. 

 Modalities discussed: 

 Filiform needling-  Stimulation of the acupuncture point using very thin needles inserted directly into the point chosen by the practitioner, needles are generally retained for 15-30min at a time depending on the use. 

 Moxibustion- Stimulating the point using heat. Helps to increase and balance the qi in the body and warms the point and the meridians when required.  The moxa herb generates heat and comes in many different forms.  In our clinic we use moxa sticks to apply to the chosen point. 

Cupping- Stimulating the points with suction and negative pressure to remove stagnation and stimulate the flow of chi (vital energy flowing through the body).  Cups are retained for 15-30min depending on the chased method or reducing or tonifying. 

Needle free laser acupuncture- Perfect for children and adults who may have a fear of needles or sensitive to therapy 

Stimulation of the acupuncture points using low level light therapy.  Pain free, needle free delivered to each point over 15- 60 seconds. 

Contraindications, adverse reactions and expected outcomes: Whilst acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for various conditions It is especially important to advise your practitioner of any past, current and expected health concerns during your initial and subsequent consultations. 

Treatment responses vary depending on you and your body. You may feel the positive effects immediately following a session, or perhaps you may experience an upsurge in qi in the surrounding area or organ leading to worsening symptoms or at times you may not feel any changes. Chinese medicine is a lifestyle choice and it is important to maintain the flow of qi following the rebalance of your body.